Government Advisory

Science and the Evidence-based policy making: offering leaders strategic advice and practical support

The Institute offer strategic advice and practical support to political leaders and governments so they can deliver reform that raises standards and transforms lives.

We provide thought-leadership across our specialist sectors

Our strength lies in our experience and expertise from research and innovation. Through our panel of experts from politics and academia, we are able to offer unique insight, as well as peer-to-peer practical support to leaders and governments keen to implement reforming change. That includes governments:

• on the path to modernisation
• that are fragile or developing
• of critical strategic and geopolitical importance

We support reforming leaders on strategy and delivery

In this perspective our mission is to support these governments make their bold visions for development a reality.

So, shaped by their national priorities, our dedicated experts from Academia and Politics, and embedded teams of professionals work with leaders and key ministries to draw up practicable policy and develop context specific tools to deliver these crucial reforms. This includes fostering economic development, securing investment and driving job creation. It includes the modernisation of infrastructure and public service reform, as well as building connectivity with other countries and markets. And it means encouraging government innovation, making the institution itself more effective while promoting inclusivity and openness.

There are many things around the world  taken for granted, but which, without guidance and government intervention, will remain out of reach for too many. By providing support to political leaders and governments, our experts can help them build open, inclusive and prosperous societies, and ensure sustainable development that continues to improve conditions for decades to come.

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Our Initiatives

The Report “Towards an Ethics by Design Approach for AI” is available

AI4People Institute is delighted to publish its new Report “Towards an Ethics by Design Approach […]

June 12, 2024

AI ACT – Next steps for the implementation

AI ACT – Next steps for the implementation and the consequences for businesses. The priorities […]

April 23, 2024
