Editorial Committee

The Editorial Committee is the body that establishes the common editorial guidelines for EISMD. Its members are the Chief Science and/or Culture Editors, or the person responsible for these sections, within some of the newspapers engaged in EISMD. The members of the Editorial Committee develop a common editorial policy to create a finished editorial product that reflects the excellence of the research discussed. This editorial policy aims to provide the engaged newspapers with articles written and edited in consideration of their editorial needs.

For Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Joachim Müller-Jung
Head of Science Department of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

For Il Sole 24 Ore
Luca De Biase
Chief Editor of Nòva24, the science, technology and creativity section of Il Sole 24 Ore

For Der Standard
Klaus Taschwer
Science Editor

The Irish Times
Dick Ahlstrom
Chief Science Editor

El Pais
Patricia De Lis
Science Editor

