
25 Sep 2020

Post-COVID Summit now features a two-hour panel on VENTURE CAPITAL! Session 3 on “The Future of Venture Capital, Economic Interdependencies and Financial Markets” will now include a panel that is […]

17 Jul 2020

Between June 15th and June 26th, the third session of AI4People Committee’s meetings took place. Due to the persisting situation with COVID-19, all meetings where carried out in videoconference. The […]

The Report “Towards an Ethics by Design Approach for AI” is available

AI4People Institute is delighted to publish its new Report “Towards an Ethics by Design Approach […]

June 12, 2024

AI ACT – Next steps for the implementation

AI ACT – Next steps for the implementation and the consequences for businesses. The priorities […]

April 23, 2024
